Family Engagement Policy
Westside Middle School is a Title I school, and we hold meetings throughout the school year to keep you informed about our Title I program. This year, our Annual Title I Information Meeting will take place on September 19th. A virtual option will also be available here. Also, we will offer more opportunities throughout the year for you to visit the school, learn about Title I at WMS, and share your feedback on our program.
If you're interested in joining our Title I Committee or have any suggestions for our Title I program at WMS, please reach out to Jerad Davis at 706-673-2611 or via email at
Family Engagement
2024-2025 School Family Engagement Policy: English
2024-2025 School Family Engagement Policy: SPanish
2024-2025 District Family and Parent Engagement Policy: English
2024-2025 District Family and Parent Engagement Policy: Spanish